21181Merry Christmas! And Cheers to the Festive Days Ahead. 2008 was kind to us both as we’re happy in our jobs, life, love and travels. We are both happy to report that we’re challenged and rewarded within our jobs and we’re both done with our Masters! K graduated with her MBA in March. We hope this has also been a great year in your lives.
21130This year, we traveled to India, Morocco, Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, Ireland, Paris (for K’s 30th on Bastille Day),Tanzania, Lake Como and the English Coast. And we were fortunate to have G’s parents travel with us to see the Tulips Bloom in Netherlands and to Safari in Africa.
21136Highlights from our travels include sitting atop the square in Marrakech watching the charmers’ and entertainers’ antics at Sunset; walking along the Indian coast amongst the cattle and fishermen on Christmas Day; witnessing the magic of millions of tulips in bloom along the Dutch canals; K’s 30th spent along the Seine on Bastille Day (complete with French champagne, petit fours and fireworks); and the adrenaline rush of a witnessing an elephant migration just meters away from our tents while on Safari in Tanzania. It’s been a good year.
21166After all that traveling though, our eagerness to explore has begun to subside. Likely due in part to the fact that we’ve hit most of the top easy destinations on our list. But we’re also exhausted from planning. We’ve seen so much. And are SO glad we have. But the top destinations on our list these days are a bit more difficult to plan and reach. Out of holiday (vacation days), and fresh out of steam, we’re simply taking a break.
21171Possibilities for 2009 include Israel and Egypt. And easier candidates include Budapest, Greece, Southern Spain, and the French Wine Country. Let us know if you have plans to travel to these destinations or others in the new year and perhaps we can meet up! Traveling with friends adds a new angle and is always fun.
21141Friends Krista and Andy visited us in London this year…and it was great to see them! But the trickle of visits by friends and family has started to slow. Likely due to their growing broods back home :). In total, around 30 babies have been welcomed since we left the States. Few of whom we’ve met! We’re hoping to change that in the new year. We hope to spend a bit more time catching up with old friends live — and in person — in the year ahead.
21146Many of you will remember that when planning our move back in 2005/06, we said to expect us back in 12 months to two years. Some friends and family (who perhaps know us better than we know ourselves) guessed right at the time when they teased that we may never return. Today, we don’t know what the future will hold. We’re certain that we will return ‘home’ someday, but when our 2 year Visa came up for renewal this fall, we opted to stay. We are now ‘allowed’ to remain for 3 more years. Stay tuned.
21151This summer and fall, we’ve invested more of our time in enjoying London. Despite its many gray, rainy, cold days, it is a wonderful place to live. The green spaces are lovely, the options are plentiful and the company is worldly and enlivening. We’ve finally learned where to shop, tried a few nice restaurants, mastered the grocery shop, made good friends and settled in our jobs.
21161But there are somethings that we will never find in London. Our history. This year has also brought a bit of homesickness. With deaths, illness and accidents amongst the close family and extended network back home, along with the good that comes with new births and celebrations, it continues to be difficult to be so far away! Thank you to everyone for your continued love and support — despite the miles. Your many cards and greetings continue to brighten our days… thank you.
21176May we all continue to to be blessed with good fortune and good sense in the new year. And may you all be blessed with a wonderful festive season.
Our Best to You and Yours,