Girly Triathlete: 1 Week to Go

Next Sunday, I’ll compete in the Cotswolds Triathlon, my first. And over the last few weeks, I’ve kept to a challenging workout routine:

  • 10am Saturday mornings: 20 minutes cardio, 1 hour weights and abs (as per usual)
  • Sunday afternoon: long distance run with G (yesterday we did 10 miles around Regents and Hyde Parks!)
  • Tuesdays: 1 hour of cycling at race pace around Regent’s Park
  • Wednesdays: 40 minutes intervals (alternating running fast and slow) + 30 minutes weights and abs
  • Fridays: running to the pool 1 mile away + 400 meters in the pool, and back

But through this challenge, I’ve found a few silver linings, as well. Though my Cupcake Parade posts may lead you to believe otherwise, I generally try to limit our consumption of carbohydrates. But taking massive cardio makes our cupcake parades, toast breakfasts and pizza breaks ok. In moderation, of course…


So, this morning I decided we should make our own, copying our favourites from Broadway Market. They turned out really well, actually. The trick is to make a standard yellow cake base. Then, combine butter and confectioners sugar adding fresh pulped fruit juice as the liquid (instead of milk in the standard buttercream frosting). Here you’ll note coconut (with canned coconut milk), blueberry (with fresh blueberries and blackberries) and strawberry (with fresh strawberry pulp). I think the strawberry ones were our favourites. Now, out for a sunny picnic!

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