Tag Archives: learning Spanish

Language Frustration: Spanish Verb Conjugation

It’s been a rough day. An admitted perfectionist by nature, I have long realised that I subliminally decide which of my various interests, hobbies, tasks, etc are worth ‘competing in’ and which are not. Those who have seen my artwork … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Spanish, Life in London | Tagged | 4 Comments

Barcelona: Bird’s Eye View

Wow…how far we’ve come! It’s incredible to think that a month ago we could speak only in the present tense 🙂 Now, a month and four tenses later, we’re well on our way to being able to carry on a … Continue reading

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Spanish Sentence Mapping…my personal hell!

Rough day. Ugh. I’m a perfectionist. And I like to feel that I can hold my own…I think this is true of most of us. Today, I couldn’t and didn’t hold my own in Spanish class and felt a bit … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure Travel, Europe, Learning Spanish | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Una Primera Semana Buena en Barcelona…

Wow! What a great week! We learned 3 new tenses, loads of new vocab and passed our first exam! Now, we’ve officially upped-level. And to cap it all off, we spoke to each other (G&I) almost exclusively in Spanish yesterday … Continue reading

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