Another Week in London

Hi again. It’s been 10 days since I last posted. That’s almost a record for the longest time between posts…and probably an indication of recent stress levels. I began my 5th course block upon returning from Mallorca and have been buried in reading ever since. The electives that I selected for this block are interesting, but reading based! That means that I need to read 9-10 case studies per week (on average 15 pages each) and up to 7 chapters per week (20-30 pages each). AND I’m in class 9-5 Tuesday through Friday. Luckily, I came up with a scheme last weekend that has helped to reduce the load, but sharing the “wealth” amongst my group members for each individual class. we each read and summarize one chapter a week…that’s a great help.

So. As for an update. Last Friday, G’s church youth group advocate/mentor visited London and we had a great time with she and her husband in Central London (at the officer’s club in Central London). And we also met up with Rachel, Diana’s sister who’s an international flight attendant, on Tuesday for dinner and drinks. we’ve been very fortunate to have a couple visitors from home to help us get over our bit of homesickness.

Also, last weekend, G and I visited the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square to see the Renoir Landscape exhibit and also for G to see the Seurat’s and Van Gogh’s before the Manet/Picasso show ended on Sunday. Too much fun! We’re always in awe of being so close to such famous and inspirational works.

Just in case you’re curious, here’s the “agenda” for a typical weekend day in the life of G&K:

10AM: Walk by Primrose Hill on the way to Chalk Farm for a cafe breakfast

10:30-12noon: Breakfast/Brunch in Chalkfarm (adorable cafe with yummy pastries and lattes)

12:30-1PM: Idea book and card shopping at Paperchase (a favorite store here, in London)

1PM-2:30PM: National Gallery of Art–Monet, Manet, Picasso, Renoir, Van Gogh

2:30-3:00PM: Walk from Trafalgar to Covent Garden, Lunch at Pret a Manger (YUM!)

3:00-5:45: Window shopping at Longacre, Oxford St. and Regent St.

6:15-7:15: Dinner at home

8:15-? Work and studies

Another highlight…a friend and I found a Cuban place by school this week. Fresh mojitos and tapas…YUM!

We’ve decided to do a day trip this weekend (despite the 54 degree weather, ick!)…not quite sure where we’ll go yet. We’re also planning to go to friends’ house to watch Eurovision (a campy European version of American Idol) and we’re off to Florence to meet-up with Leigh-Emma and Kenny on Friday. FUN!

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