Marathon Update: 10k Test Run


This morning I had my first test in my training for the London Marathon. I have completed 4 weeks of my 16 week training plan and the objective is to run a 10k race in under 50:00. This will make sure that I am on pace to complete the marathon in 4 hours.

As luck would have it, a local running club, The Mornington Chasers, had a 10k race scheduled for this morning so I signed up. The race was in Regent’s Park (one of our favorite in London) about 1.5 miles from our flat. The race consists of three laps that are approximately 2 miles each.

There were probably 300 or more people in the race and the start was a bit chaotic. I got caught up in the rush and started out too fast. I have had many people warn me to avoid this on marathon day as it can get you tired early and throw off your entire race. As I settled into the race, I just tried to focus on holding my position and keep a steady pace. I figured if I am ahead of schedule I should do ok if I can keep it together.

In the end I did very well and really surprised myself finishing the race in under 46:00. So I passed the first checkpoint. Next up is the Bath Half Marathon in March. I’ll keep you posted.

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