Take the Bad with the Good

As those of you following along with our adventure know, we have been very lucky how everything has come together for our move.

Unfortunately, today we hit a few bumps. I was unsuccessful obtaining a mobile phone contract because our credit check was declined. We all know in the US the importance of keeping a good credit score and building up your credit. Well, here in the UK we are starting from scratch. They don’t take into account our excellent credit from the US and today it finally caught up with us.

It was a bit embarrassing. The man in the store said, “Nobody from this post code is ever declined. They are always in good financial standing.” And we are in good financial standing as well, but only being here two weeks, I am sure our credit file is empty.

We signed up for broadband and found a great deal from TalkTalk. We get unlimited calls to the UK and US plus unlimited 8Mbps broadband for about £20 per month. Even for US standards that is an awesome deal. The only problem is that it will take about 6 weeks to get the broadband hooked up. There were some other places that would be able to get us hooked up sooner, but only by a couple weeks. So we decided to think long term, even though it will hurt in the short term.

What do you think, can we last 6 weeks without internet?

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