What’s Up With This Weather?

We had some particularly good weather one weekend about a month ago. However, K and I were sick that weekend, so we stayed in most of the time and didn’t get a chance to fully enjoy the sunshine. I figured it was spring time, the weather is turning around from the winter and we’ll have plenty more good weather weekends to follow. Then is rained for the next four weeks.

Exasperated by the seemingly never ending rain, K exclaimed to one of her classmates, “What’s up with this weather?” To which he replied, “I know. This is the warmest nicest April we have ever had.” Eek! That makes you miss North Carolina.
Along the same lines, my co-workers were giving me a hard time last month that I wasn’t experiencing a “proper London summer” because it had been so nice. So they took pleasure in the fact that I got a dose of it the last few weeks.

As a result of this, K and I decided that we would not pass up another good weather weekend — even if we are ill. This weekend’s weather is shaping up nicely and we are looking to enjoy it with some garden tours and a bit of gardening on our balcony (we have the flower boxes, we just have to figure out how to hang them up). Unfortunately, when I got up this morning, I wasn’t feeling the best, but I am determined to push through to get my good weather!

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