Valentines at Kew


With all the uncertainty at work and the general grey weather, things have been just a bit down here. So, to change the tempo, we celebrated Valentines with a Champagne brunch at home (complete with stuffed french toast) and a trip to Kew Gardens in Southwest London. We’ve been to Kew before, but never in the winter. So it was fun to see it at this time of year. It made us remember that day forever ago when G and I strolled a garden in St. Louis as VIPs before he popped the question…I guess those snowdrops (a type of early blooming plant with a white bloom) don’t care if they’re in St Louis or London…when Feb comes, it’s their time to shine!


We had a lovely day at Kew…G planned well as they had an orchid display going on to distract the winter duldrums. A little sunshine and blue skies…exactly what the doctor ordered.

G continues to train for the London Marathon. Yesterday was his longest run yet–13 miles. Basically a half marathon. And he’ll compete in a race of that length in one month’s time as part of his training regimen. He’s doing very well and I’m very proud.

Tuesday was G’s birthday! I can’t say exactly what age he is, but if you add the digits together, they total 5… 🙂 We started things off right according to our birthday tradition. Birthday cake at midnight! For this year, I secured a carrot cake from Konditor and Cook (an incredible baker by my office). But their cakes look a bit plain so I decked it out with orange slices, cinnamon, walnuts and coconut flakes. I think it looked better than when I started though it was tough to find a spot for the candles when all was said and done.


Tuesday was also a big day at the office. The big news of my promotion a couple weeks ago was followed only two days later by more concerning news. Our local and regional clients supported our bid for the client firm’s global production business. We won on chemistry, know-how, understanding of the client firm, etc. But, alas, the decision was made based on price and ability to be at full steam within 30 days in the end and another firm comped their people to reduce their margin for the work. They won. Though funnily enough, it’s now emerged the they will not, in fact, be able to be up to speed in 30 days afterall and we may be asked to localise the campaign. Hmmm…

All this means redundancies. A number of people on my team were told they were ‘at risk’ on Tuesday. I wasn’t one of them…so I suppose I’ll likely be one of those left to pick up the pieces. Not sure which side of the aisle is best.

Despite the ups and downs, Tuesday was a two star day in the end. One Michelin star for lunch (Wild Honey off Bond Street with my client) and one Michelin star for G’s birthday dinner (Quilon in Westminster). Not too bad in trade 🙂

Though I’ve come down with a cold yesterday, we’re off to Austria for a ski trip with friends today. I’m not a skier and have lessons scheduled for tomorrow am. Hopefully we’ll have a wonderful weekend with friends and come back with all limbs in place come late Late Monday evening. Fingers crossed…

How’s the world in your neck of the woods?

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