Una Primera Semana Buena en Barcelona…

Wow! What a great week!

We learned 3 new tenses, loads of new vocab and passed our first exam! Now, we’ve officially upped-level. And to cap it all off, we spoke to each other (G&I) almost exclusively in Spanish yesterday (probably 70-80%). That’s a new record. Not bad.  It’s SO NICE to be able to speak in the past tense a bit rather than only present!!!!

We’ve also grown used to our flat and it now feels like home…though, admittedly, wherever G is, is home. And the fresh flowers and Brita have helped, as well.


We’ve also made friends in our class and had a couple more nights out for gorgeous little tapas. And yesterday was GORGEOUS out. We started out the day by visiting ‘Plaza del Sant Josep Oriol‘ where all the local Barca artists sell their wares. We found our favourite and bought a couple of her works. Luckily for us, they’re muy barato (cheap :)). If only that were also the case for the frames in London…Pobre chico, G no le gusta me amor para la tienda del frames en Belsize Park, esos son un poco caro comparado de las pinturas.


Then, we visited the Boqueria Marcado (like Borough in London) for lunch at a seafood counter. El pulpo y championyes (octopus and mushrooms—separately, of course) were delicious.


We then popped down to the patisserie in one of our paintings for a postre and, finally, to Parc Guell to take in the view, terrazzo tile and a bit more sunshine.

As we were out on the town for tapas and semi-late nights on both Thursday and Friday, we decided to stay in for a movie-night. Thankfully, our school has DVDs for borrowing and one of the flat mates had borrowed the second Bridget Jones. We switched the language to Spanish and had English subs. It was fun to watch all the London street scenes with Spanish v/o.

Now, another park…some paella…and maybe a run? And, you? Oh, and as an update, we now know which touristy areas to avoid…and seem to be onto the pick pockets’ tricks. So far, so good with avoiding them 🙂

To see additional photos from Barcelona, click here

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