Much Better

Now, I’m into the groove. All’s going much better than earlier this week. We began real classes this week (Eek… quantitative!) and G secured all the necessary furniture items for our flat (even the legs for our desks!). We’re both feeling much more settled and falling into a routine.

Too, our land line was installed on Monday. This line allows us unlimited international calling so when I begin to feel a bit homesick, I can just call you guys. (I think I talked with my mom and little brother for a bit over an hour on Wednesday… I guess no matter how old we are, we still need moms to make us feel better). Now, we’re just waiting for our broadband — once that is installed (likely early October), we’ll be home free.

I’ll post new photos of our flat over the next couple weeks as we put things in place.

Other news. Today’s our 5th Anniversary! We’re off to Bath today and will return to London on Sunday to have dinner with our neighbors from Raleigh — Kyle & Nancy. It will be nice to see a few familiar faces.

Here’s a bit more “London trivia” for you:

How to assimilate — become a Londoner:

  • Carry a VERY big purse
  • Grocery shop online for delivery to your home
  • Read the paper standing up on the tube (or as you take the lift or escalator in the tube station)
  • Wear comfy shoes that obviously don’t go with your outfit as you walk to your office — then change once you arrive
  • Wear a dress over your pants
  • Wear ballerina slippers with sequins
  • Eat “Jammy Dodgers” — like American custard cremes only with very sticky jam in the middle and a hole in the top
  • Buy pre-fab dinners from the market on the go
  • Tea, tea and MORE tea — at least 3-4 per day
  • Have at least 4 pints of beer in one sitting (don’t worry — we’re not aiming to assimilate on this one)
  • Profess Indian and Thai food to be your favorites
  • Whenever you disagree with whatever another person is saying, express your angst by saying “rubbish”
  • Instead of considering the “free papers” given out at the Tube stations and city streets a nice convenience, you begin to think they’re “rubbish”
  • You shop for organic products
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