Travel Ideas, Anyone?

So many places to visit. So little time. The trick with travel is to plan well so that you spend enough time in each place without spending so much time that you overextend.

G and I will be traveling around Europe a bit this Christmas and would like your advice. We’ll start in Nuremberg for their famous Christmas market, venture to Rothenburg to see theirs and then to Salzburg for a winter wonderland for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Then, we’ll venture on to Prague and Vienna. And we’ll finish in Munich before flying out. We’re very excited to see so many of Europe’s hot spots during a two week block from December 21 through January 5, but want to ensure that we budget our time properly. Have you all been to these cities? The guidebooks say to give each of these destinations 2-3 days. Is that enough? Which deserve more, or less?


We have a similar break next Spring and we’re just starting to formulate ideas. Our break is in April. London will still be quite cold in April so we’re considering going South. But, where? Any ideas for what may be beautiful at that time of year?

In addition to our big trips, we’re also in search of a few weekend destinations… under consideration are Paris, Bruges, England’s Lake District, Ireland, and anywhere else that EasyJet flies. Are there other destinations that you would recommend to top our list?

Other News: In addition to our “break trips”, I’ll also be traveling to Poland for a week in February and to China for a week or two in June/July (part of the MBA proram). Fortunately, I’ll just “play” and act as a consultant for companies during these trips — no planning necessary :).

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