Did you say Rugby?

Last fall I posted about our strategy project. We were considering a number of local firms for our work and after much discussion and effort, a firm finally said “Yes”. We’ll be working with the local professional Rugby team, The London Irish.

This project is a bit of a competition within our class and we were all hoping to attract a big name. Thankfully, one of our group members has a friend on the marketing staff of the Irish and was able to get her foot in the door. Whew!

My Cassian (last Fall’s learning group) team members, Marca and Ajay, and I ventured out to their offices in Sunbury (west of London) this morning to meet our team contact and to learn more. Needless to say, I’ll be learning a lot about the sport over the next month.

And, adding a bit of variety to the mix, my Poland group (different from my learning groups) will work with Poland’s chief butcher in the coming month. Both the strategy and Poland project are loosely based on strategy development, but with a marketing slant. So, for those who are keeping track of my marketing career and experience, this means that I will now have now worked with:

Mobile Video Delivery Service–MBA


Rugby Team–MBA

Hockey Team/Community Initiative–Agency

Baseball Team–Agency

Tourism Destination–Agency


Real Estate Development Firm–Agency

Civil Engineering Firm–Agency

Insurance Brokerage–Agency

Cafe Patisserie–Agency

Original Equipment Manufacturer–Agency

Non-profits (Transportation and Health focus)–Agency



Electronics/Metal Recycling–Agency

Search Engine Optimization–Agency

Public Holding Company–Agency

I suppose variety IS the spice of life? It just wouldn’t feel normal to meet a new client and be completely up to speed with the lingo 🙂

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