Scotland: extraordinary landscapes

Golf. Deer. Scotch whiskey. And maybe castles. 

That’s what the word Scotland brought to mind for me. So, when A&V (G’s parents) floated the idea of going to Scotland together (years ago), I was indifferent. I’m not a great golfer, I like deer, but hate whiskey and think castles are generally touristy. But, we finally relented. If the Queen likes it and it means so much to A & V…why not. 

So, off we went.

Have you ever taken a sleeper train? We have a few times now, but they never seem to lose their charm (for me). There’s something about those tiny bunks stowed away in closets with miniature sinks that excites me; I feel like a Polly Pocket doll somehow. So, we took the sleeper from Euston to Fort William. We were off on the ‘right foot’ then.  ;) 

We left at 9pm and arrived by 10 the next morning. There were deer nibbling outside the window at first glance (check!), but also something which I hadn’t accounted for. Stunning views around every bend. And when I say stunning, I’m not exaggerating (though I’ll admit I usually do). Iaw-drop worthy beauty. And we consider ourselves widely traveled. These were superlative views! No strip malls. No superstores. No eyesores. Every scene was rugged. And beautiful. 

Bogs. Sheep. Shaggy cows. Mountains. [Ok…maybe castles, too…]

These are the things which now come to mind when I hear the word ‘Scotland’.

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