Many of you have heard Ana’s story…Ala…”your name here, our friend Ana just decided to buy a boat and sail about the world isn’t that daring and adventurous? By the way, we’re moving to England where there’s lots of soil beneath our feet.” 🙂
Ana & Nate quit their jobs last year, bought a sailboat and headed south to start on their journey about the world. Last fall, Nate proposed (if you can live with someone on a 30′ boat 24/7, you can live together anywhere…if they can’t “weather a storm” no one can). And today, we received our invite to their nuptuals in Guatemala later this year. We’ve been planning to attend for a while so I went online to scope out the best registry finds before the competition because what do you buy a couple who lives on a boat? Without the registry, I’d be lost.
Any guesses on where they registered? Drum roll……………………..West Marine and REI! After purchasing something at West Marine a moment ago, I noticed that our gift wasn’t removed from the registry and called customer service to request a quick fix. The associate didn’t even know they offered a registry!
Hmmm…it’s fun how needs change as life and we move along. For us, it’s surprising how little “stuff” we actually need. And I’m sure that’s doubly true for Ana and Nate.