Good News!


I made it back safely to London following a great visit to Virginia AND I received a message from Euro RSCG on Friday–I got it!

First, Virginia. Spring in the Blue Ridge is almost as beautiful as fall…I don’t know why, but as the leaves sprout and take on their Fall color. Too, there’s lots of new life on the farm with well grazed cattle and new babies of all sorts (bunnies, donkeys, calves, oh, my!).


Coyotes and Donkeys were the hot topics for this visit. My parents bought two mature donkeys 3 years ago to deal with a growing coyote problem (donkeys kick coyotes to protect the herd). And the pair had a baby donkey last Fall. My little brother (I know, he’s really not so little at 21!) has adopted the baby and named it Minnie (left in the photo at right). She’s a lot of work, but he LOVES her. She’s very playful and loves to run and romp and considers my brother to be a playmate. It’s really fun to watch.

I also had lots of quality time with my family, went shopping for all the essentials (less than 50 lbs over and around 90 back…cornmeal is heavy!). I had a great visit, but it was really hard to come back. Friday was a very teary day…maybe it will get easier? I love London and there are lots of opportunities here, but I’ll always have a soft spot for home and family.

A compliment to Americans…as a nation, we must be the friendliest. Arriving in Chicago last Friday was a breath of fresh air as I met countless strangers who started up conversations and were genuinely interested in what I had to say. Ahh…America!

And the second bit of good news. Euro RSCG has decided to allow me to work with them on my business research project (the interview I had a couple weeks ago). The project won’t begin full-force until June/July, but it will be nice to have the details taken care of before my next block begins. Too, working with a company on my BRP means I’ll be paid! After about 8 months on one income, I’m sure that’s music to G’s ears 🙂

See additional photos of Spring in Virginia.

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