G and I enjoyed a relaxing weekend at home last week…we went to Ikea to buy a second chair for our living room (with our landlord’s money…YAY!), had a nice and long dinner with friends Saturday and then I ‘tried’ to entertain myself while G worked to fix bugs for work all day Sunday (ick!). We did make it to the Hill very late Sunday for a little frisbie. Now, I’m back to working on my project and G’s back to work.
Things are still looking good on the job search, I’ve interviewed (in person) with two recruitment firms and have had informal phone chats and e-mail exchanges with another 2-3. They seem hesitantly optimistic that I’ll be placed within a month once I place my canoe ‘soundly’ in the water. Fingers crossed that I’ll find a great opportunity within a fun and reputable agency. Actually, come to think of it, fingers, toes and all else crossed is more like it.
This weekend, we’re off to Stockholm. This will be our first venture to Scandinavia. We’ll keep you posted here.
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