11,332 words down…and initial comments back from my advisor. As is, he’d give me a 70 (i.e. an A), but made suggestions on how I could improve it to ensure that the mark stands when examined by another objective external grader. While I was quite motivated to continue with the draft, my motivation has now subdued…am I at the point of diminishing returns? How much additional time and effort should be assigned to polishing my dissertation for submission when my advisor essentially confirmed that this draft, as is, would earn a respectable pass?
Hmmm…we received our transcripts from the rest of the year and I’m 7/10 of a point, collectively, away from distinction (i.e. honors). The darn exam marks brought me down. I HATE tests. The pressure and endless study drives me mad. Regardless, its highly improbable that this dissertation mark will boost me up, collectively, 7/10 of a point.
Those who know me well have already guessed the answer…I, perfectionist K, won’t submit it until it represents my best work. T minus 14 days to go.
2 Responses to Decisions, decisions…