It’s been decided! This year’s big trip is destined to be a 2-2.5 week Tanzanian Adventure and we’d like to extend YOU an invitation to join us. Fancy a late Fall jaunt to Africa? We’ve contacted a few specialists to get their insights, but based on our reading, here’s our wish list of experiences and the guidance we passed to the experts:Top priorities:
- Serengeti–northern? (wildlife safari–we would like to see elephants, wildebeast, rhino (if possible), lions, giraffes, etc.
- Zanzibar (ideally for 3 or so days for a relaxing end destination before flying home, including Stone Town but also staying in a beach resort, if possible)
- Nogorongoro Crater and surround (to witness the wildlife migration)
- Tarangire National Park (Elephants gallore!)
Other add-ons of interest (but of lower priority than those above):
- Chimpanzees at Gombe Stream and Mahale Mountains
- Cultural tourism programs to experience a bit of the African tribal life.
We are flexible with accommodations, but in general choose to intersperse more standard/basic lodging (running water, some niceties, but not highly luxurious) with more luxurious accommodations during our long trips. In general, we’re willing to pay more for accommodations where they offer a superior experience (such as scenic views of popular wildlife watering spots or an exceptional foot guided romp to see wild elephants).We’ve requested a personal driver. Ideally, our trip would take full advantage of weekends–arriving on one Saturday and departing on a Saturday 2 weeks later, but we would be willing to extend our stay if highly recommended. From our reading, it would appear that late-September to late October is a good time to travel. But, we’re awaiting input from the experts.
Let us know if you’re interested, have questions and would like to learn more. We’d love to meet up!
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