After more than six months of training, the London Marathon is now only one day away. It was one year ago that I watched my first marathon. Drinking a ew pints at a pub on the course just before Tower Bridge we watched the stream of serious and silly runners pass by. I wondered if I could run a marathon.
Tomorrow I get my chance. My training has gone well, though my confidence shaken in the last couple weeks due to a knee injury and fighting off a cold. From my training times, my CEO and veteran marathon runner has been caoxing me to target a 3:30 time. However, I am aiming to run a good race and finish. I’ll be thrilled if I can finish under 4 hours.
Kimberly has assembled the Cheer Squad complete with banners to lift my spirits at mile 13 and 22. With GPS tracking, she will be following my progress along the course — and you can too! I have put together a blog page that combines my own location tracking strategy along with the official adidas time check points so you can follow my progress.
The race starts at 9:45 (4:45 ET) tomorrow morning so those in the States will need to get up early. I know it is tough — but would you rather run 26 miles? If you miss the start, you have about 4 hours until the finish to catch me along the way. I’ll need all those virtual cheers in that last hour!
- Track my location live on the course
- Watch live coverage online of the London Marathon
- Review a map of the course
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