The Holiday Scavenger Hunt II


Some of you may remember that G planned a Christmas scavenger hunt in 1997 for our first Christmas. We were in college at the time and went about town gathering the essentials to construct a tree. We “borrowed” a large limb from an evergreen on campus, bought needles and thread, popcorn, made snowflakes and had a great time. We fondly remember our first Christmas tree as our “Charlie Brown tree”.

A couple weeks ago, as we began to write our holiday cards, we began to wonder how we might find a tree and decorations here, in London. Would we have to resort to the scavenger hunt model? Afterall, K is a student again…

Last night, we tackled the project; Holiday Scavenger Hunt II. K took a break from studying and group projects and we ventured out to find Christmas cheer. First, to (where else?) Ikea for lights, ornaments, a tree topper, garlands, and other essentials. Then, we stopped by our local neighborhood market for a tree. A 5′ potted spruce (for the curious, the tree cost less than we would have paid for a tree in the US despite the steep exchange rates).We brought it home, took off the netting and were relieved to see that the tree looked normal (we couldn’t inspect it before purchase because it was bundled for storage and transport).

Now, we’re all set to enjoy a bit of holiday cheer…

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