
When I was preggo with Walker, g and I would have pseudo conversations with baby. Really just excuses to talk around baby in utero (so that he would recognise G’s voice upon birth), the topics we covered were inconsequential. But toward the end, a lot of them hinged upon Walker’s wish for pony and g’s reassurance that he could ride his giraffe (a nursery prop) or, perhaps borrow his uncle’s donkeys or grandpa’s cows on the farm in Virginia.

How surprised we were on Sunday when Walker whinnied like a horse! He’s a good mimic and we think he was attempting to copy our laughter, but it sounds just like the pony ‘he begged for in utero’…and makes me giggle every time. Now, because he’s gotten positive reinforcement from us, he makes the sound ALL the time. And it melts us to the core. Ahhh…motherhood.

In other news, he also copies our facial expressions. Moulding a little person is a crazy, new (and fun) experience for us. So far, so good.


  • Who needs a diaper bag? Everything we need for a few hours out will fit in the pram basket.
  • Logic and parenting books go out the window when your baby cries at 4am. At that point, baby gets what he wants.
  • Breastfeeding is hard work. And just when you figure it out, someone ‘moves your cheese’.
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