WIMBLEDON! Yesterday afternoon, while G slaved away at the office (sorry, G…), Toni, Chris and I ventured to Wimbledon to see if we could get in. For once, London’s rainy weather played to our advantage. We got in. We were elated, but surprised as it was clear that they had prepared to be inundated with folks, but we were alone in the security checkpoint, the que and we had to wake the ticket agent from her nap in order to buy our grounds passes.AND, even better, we scored Centre Court (the largest court) tickets after 5PM (they resale others’ tickets for charity) to see Moya (Spain) and Henman (England) play. Great game. In fact, it’s not over yet! It went until 9:30 and was likely to carry-on beyond 10 so they called it and will finish today.
Of course we also made time for the typical Wimbledon game-day treats–Pims & Lemonade, Strawberries & Cream…
Have to say that tennis is way more fun to watch in person than on TV. In addition to the Centre Court match, we also saw a number of non-ticketed smaller-court matches. Fun! A great day, we felt fortunate to get tickets…thank goodness for the rain!
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