Summer has arrived!

G and I enjoyed a gorgeous weekend in London. First, we had an amazing dinner with G’s godparents, their daughter and her husband on Friday night. The mango lassi’s (a mango smoothie) kept flowing as the plates of delicous kababs rolled out. For anyone visiting London and wanting a little Pakastani food– Lahore Kebab House, Whitechapel.

Then, Saturday we visited Primrose Hill for a picnic breakfast and to dinner with friends in Sheperd’s Bush that evening. And Sunday was equally low-key as we, again, went out to Primrose Hill to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather with a picnic. (Wow. Are we stuck in a rut, or what?).

We’ve now allocated Sundays for travel planning and reading (when we’re in town). Yesterday’s focus was on our upcoming trip to Switzerland and planning a short little trip along London’s canal system while the weather’s nice. We’re hoping for nice weather next weekend so that we can give a longboat canal trip a go…

This week, I have a couple interviews with actual ad agencies (rather than recruiters) scheduled. As these will be my first interviews in a couple years, I’m putting some effort into preparing, but realize I’ll be a bit rusty especially since I’m not used to the UK interviewing style. Crash and burn is quite possible as the UK interviewing style is quite different. I’m warming up so that when the time comes to interview for the *perfect* agency, I’ll be on fire. 🙂

For anyone thinking of following us over, here are a couple tips for your CV:

  • In the UK, they like it long! Go with a 2 page version of your 1 page US CV. Flesh out details and try to provide context for the firms. Many recruiters liken working for a US firm based in the Southeast, for instance, with a multi-national European firm. It’s difficult for them to undestand the scale of American firms.
  • Recruiters! Definitely the way to go here for professional-level appointments. Though the Internet was adopted later here so many firms still have a dual recruitment strategy–running ads in the local paper as well as featuring listings online.
  • Don’t put something fluffy on your resume without at least 3-5 examples you can use as support during your in-person.

As of now, the plan is to find a position to begin work this Fall (October/November). Timing is difficult because G’s sister’s wedding is in Louisville on October 27. I’m not keen to start a position and take a 1 week + holiday two weeks in, but firms aren’t likely to hire in November/December. Fingers crossed I’ll find the perfect firm that will understand the need to attend the family event and, at least, allow me to take the holiday without pay…we’ll see.

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