Work update. I decided to accept the part-time, temporary position with the branding agency. It’s not everyday you get paid straight out of grad school to work with the Chief Strategy Officer of a major global branding firm and it will be nice to have another UK agency on my CV and a couple more references as I continue on with the job search–especially considering the caliber of project I’ll be assisting with. The experience just ups my value 🙂
Today was my first day at the new firm and while they’re in the midst of a crazy move, I still enjoyed the work and interacting with my boss. So far so good…and the best part is (G is pleased), they gave me a shiny silver Mac laptop for use. And it’s a bonus for me since I won’t have to relearn the PC operating system again.
Though, to add a bit of a twist, the new MD at the firm I’ve been with over the summer (the one sponsoring my dissertation) asked to have lunch with me in the next couple weeks and the old MD mentioned (albeit jokingly) that I could go onto a new account if they win it. While I don’t want to make assumptions or jump to conclusions, I am preparing to tactfully decline….unless the price is right (and it won’t be).
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