What HAVE we been up to?

We’ve been back from Tanzania for over a month and have barely posted…Goodness!

Good or bad though, there’s really not a lot to update…we’ve been going out with friends to our weekly wine course in the City, working away at the office, meeting up with friends for birthday parties and pub nights and generally ‘trying’ to settle back into life in London.

At work, I’ve been working with the Global clients in California of late. They’re lovely, but the 8 hour time difference and pressure of working with big brand high level corporate folks has made it a bit trying at times. I’m thankful for my local and regional clients. Now that three hour time difference to Moscow doesn’t seem nearly so trying 🙂

Otherwise, G’s been training for the London marathon (that’s right…he’s running in the marathon next April!). And I’ve been heading to the gym.

I guess the best thing to write about is the wine course. We are having so much fun! A group of 6 friends are taking it…we go for two hours every Wednesday night. And we can almost blind guess wines now! I’m better at guessing the whites than the reds, but that’s probably because we’ve focused more on that in the class. We’re learning about everything from the ‘legs’, to the colour, the nose…not to mention the taste. I can almost distinguish an apricot nose from a peach now! And I can certainly pick up minerality. [can you tell I’m proud?]. Now when we go out with the same group of friends for drinks outside of class, we take turns buying and make the others guess what it is….SO much fun!

Okay. I guess this qualifies as a proper update? On the travel front, we’ll be heading home for Christmas this year. We’ll arrive in Franklin to see K’s fam on the 23. Then drive on the 26th to DC to see G’s fam before flying back home on the 29th…if you’re around in the area, let us know.

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