Category Archives: MBA in London

An American, earning MBA at Cass Business School, London.

Cass Update

5257 After many weeks of stress and angst with the electives block upon us (4 classes in 5 weeks instead of the usual 3), I received much needed good news this week. On Wednesday, exam scores from Blocks 3 & … Continue reading

Posted in MBA in London | 2 Comments

Six presentations and projects down…

Six exams to go before I can enjoy Spring Break (2 week break around Easter). I’m counting down the days until I visit my family in Virginia! 13 days to go… I’m sorry to say that during the next thirteen … Continue reading

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Another Perk of the MBA

Within a previous post, I mentioned that Cass provides sessions with a career coach and local mentor. I really lucked out and was matched to a couple incredible individuals who have provided great insight and perspective. But yet another job … Continue reading

Posted in MBA in London | 2 Comments

A Different Perspective

This block, I’m taking a third installment of Strategy…and we are under the watch of a brilliant professor, Joe Lampel. We’ve been exploring the depths of strategy development and I’ve turned a new leaf… Those of you who have known … Continue reading

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The Moment of Truth

Today, I received the dreaded e-mail that I was anxiously awaiting (if that makes sense?)…Block I and II grades were released this morning. Reading the e-mail announcing that grades were ready for pick-up was one of those moments when I … Continue reading

Posted in MBA in London | 1 Comment

Swans and Pierogies in Sopot

9633 We presented to our client on Friday morning and then ventured to nearby Sopot for a client/team lunch. Beautiful Sopot is the entertainment center of the greater Polish Tri-city area (with G’dansk being the center of tourism and Gydnia … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure Travel, Europe, MBA in London, Poland | 2 Comments

Happy Valentines!

9756 Polish lunchmeat says love like no other…watch out G, the bar has been raised…

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