Category Archives: MBA in London

An American, earning MBA at Cass Business School, London.

Bold and Beautiful G’dansk

9092 Hello from G’dansk. We’ve had a great time in the city and met our client for the first time today. Touring the meat processing facility was (ummm…) very interesting, but the client was very helpful and accomodating. I’ve uploaded … Continue reading

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Presentation Styles

During our first Block last Fall, I was convinced that one of my professors was raving MAD (British word for crazy). He insisted that we think outside the box and present within the class in any way BUT the typical … Continue reading

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End of Block 3 Growing Near

That’s right…I’m nearly done with my third block (of 4 core blocks, 6 blocks total). This block, we’ve been immersed in Organizational Behavior (how your actions affect others and vice versa), Operations Management (identifing and elminating bottlenecks within operations), Strategy … Continue reading

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Did you say Rugby?

Last fall I posted about our strategy project. We were considering a number of local firms for our work and after much discussion and effort, a firm finally said “Yes”. We’ll be working with the local professional Rugby team, The … Continue reading

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“Innovation Project” A Success!

Today, our class presented our findings to a panel of senior managers at KPMG. I’m happy to announce that my learning group tied for first with 577 points (out of 700 possible points, 100 ea. per panel member x 7 … Continue reading

Posted in Life in London, MBA in London | 2 Comments

Active Weekend in London

We had a great weekend here, in London. 7436 Since my term just began, I didn’t have tons of work to do so we were able to enjoy an active weekend in the city. First, we went ice skating by … Continue reading

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Off we go!

I took my last three exams today. Whew! Am I glad they’re over…no more studying until Jan 8. All went well on the exams aside from the curve ball our marketing professor threw our way (had us do a marketing … Continue reading

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