Olympic Torch Debacle


This weekend has been a bit slow for us…it’s still very cold out and I was weary after a few long days of business travel. So, last night we went out to see History Boys (the play that roughly follows the movie) and today we planned to see the Olympic Torch as it traveled through London.History Boys was good–enjoyed it. But, the Torch Relay was disappointing. We waited just outside St. Paul’s Cathedral listening to the Royal British Brass Band (red coats) play appropriate theme songs for the torch relay runner’s immeninent arrival. Time passed, lots of police officers arrived (wearing bright yellow coats), then police vans, then buses carrying Chinese officials, then more buses…then it was over. I kind-of, sort-of saw an unlit torch in an athlete’s hand atop a doubledecker bus—key being kind-of, sort-of. It was a big let down.

Home now, we’ve looked online for more info. Apparently protesters who aim to grab media attention to encourage the Chinese officials to Free Tibet reaked havoc on the relay earlier in West London causing the officials to then rethink their plans—resulting in the non-show outside St. Paul’s. Disappointing, but I suppose understandable.

The photos at the right overview what we saw. Next weekend, look for photos from the London Marathon. A couple of my classmates (Lottie & Simon) plan to drink a pint for our classmates’ (running the marathon) every mile. I don’t think I’ll match Lottie & Simon’s effort, but it will be nice to be out to encourage our athletic friends.

For more on the London leg of the Olympic Torch Relay, click here…

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